Description: Blockquote generates a 1-em margin above the text it encloses, increases the left and right margins on that block of text by one standard paragraph indent, and generates a 1-em margin below the enclosed text. The Q tag is used to indicate a short, in-line quotation. However, it currently has no actual effect on rendering or line formatting.
The text below also has forced line breaks at the end of each line. That is not a function of the BLOCKQUOTE tag, but is a separate tag covered in the next section.
Begin Test
Twinkle, twinkle little bat
How I wonder what you're at
Up above the world so high
Like a tea-tray in the sky
End Test
Begin Test
The next line will be in Q tags, but will show no special formatting.
Twinkle, twinkle little bat
How I wonder what you're at.
See, no formatting change.
End Test